The European Working Group on Humanitarian Operations (EURO HOpe) och The HUMLOG Institute vid Hanken Svenska Handelhögskolan anordnar den femte EURO HOpe-minikonferensen i Helsingfors, Finland den 24-25. November 2021. I år kommer evenemanget att vara i hybridformat.
The DigCBA project contributes to the responsible use of digital cash-based assistance (CBA) in refugee crisis to support policy makers with the selection and use of the most suitable digital technologies (e.g., mobile money, blockchain) for delivering CBA to refugees. The project consists of an interdisciplinary team of humanitarian operations researchers with the focus on ICT, supply chain management, information systems and organizations studies.
Hankens forskningsinstitut inom humanitär logistik, HUMLOG Institute, har slutit avtal om projektpartnerskap om utbildning inom logistik.
HUMLOG-institutet vid Hanken partner i iTrack forskningsprojekt finansierat av EU.