Conflict and co-creation: Strategies for change in management education

307, partially streamed
Conflict and co-creation: Strategies for change in management education
Welcome to "Conflict and co-creation: Strategies for change in management education" workshop led by Micaela Stierncreutz and Susan Meriläinen at Hanken.
The workshop is open to everyone, regardless of background - no teaching experience is required.

Business schools are powerful institutions that shape future decision-makers’ perceptions of what and who matter in organisations and society. Despite the surge of corporate responsibility and sustainability in business school curricula, management education is recognised for (re)producing inequalities and failing to respond to contemporary ecological and social crises. If business schools are to equip their students with the ability to imagine other – better – ways of organising, we need to think twice about what and how we teach.

In this workshop, Micaela and Susan share their experiences of working for change in the classroom and present two examples of teaching gender-related topics and engaging with feminist theories and pedagogy.

Welcome to explore the question of how we can act to challenge conventional paradigms in management education and discuss the strategies and struggles involved in working with supposedly controversial topics that confront the status quo of the business school.

Register here!

Date and time: 26. 9. 2023 10.00-13.00

* The workshop will be held in person at Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki, with the presentation streamed online. Participants who register for the presentation online, will receive a link to Teams.

If you have any questions, please contact