PhD Course

At the core of Responsible Organising is research on how different actors are organising for transformative action towards sustainability, as expressed in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Responsible Organising (RO) has been evaluated as reaching the highest international standard.
The aim of the course is to give an in-depth overview of the current state and contribution of Responsible Organising research on social inequalities.
KATAJA PhD course - Responsible Organising: New Perspectives on Social Inequalities
The course composition consists of pre-readings and pre-writings, lectures, individual mentoring sessions, and written assignment (learning diary, around 3,000 words). The themes will reflect the upcoming RO book - Transformative Action for Sustainable Outcomes: Responsible Organising critically examines sustainability challenges that humankind faces and offers responsible organising as a solution in responding to these challenges.
The book is written for scholars and students across the social sciences and humanities as well as for practitioners working with the SDGs. It discusses complex issues in an informative and engaging way. It is critical and collaborative. The book serves as an introduction to key themes and perspectives of responsible organising and offers new insights on connections between themes and perspectives.
Instructors: Prof.Janne Tienari, Dr. Charlotta Niemistö, and Prof.Martin Fougère
Duration: November 7-11 2022
Find out more about the lecturers and course here.
The course consists of pre-readings and pre-writings, lectures, individual mentoring sessions, and written assignments (learning diary, around 3,000 words).
After completing the course, you will be able to:
• evaluate different perspectives on social inequalities
• position your research in relation to different Responsible Organising perspectives
• understand the evolution of Responsible Organising research and how you can contribute to that evolution
• collaborate with other researchers to develop research ideas into a joint paper
Instructors: Dr. Maria Ehrnström-Fuentes, Dr. Jeff Hern, Dr. Charlotta Niemistö; Dr. Wojciech Piotrowicz, Dr. Nikodemus Solitander, Dr. Janne Tienari
Duration: November 11 - 15 2019
Find out more about the lecturers and course here.