Governance of CCR
CCR's board has six members, two of which are doctoral students, one from each University. Each institutional member of the Institute (Hanken and University of Helsinki) appoints three members. The Board is installed by the Rector of Hanken.
The members appointed from Hanken is divided as follows:
- one member representing either the Department of Marketing or the Department of Management and Organisation
- and one member representing either the Department of Finance and Statistics, or the Department of Economics, or the Department of Accounting and Commercial Law.
The two members appointed from University of Helsinki represent different Faculties or corresponding institutions.
The Board nominates one of its members as chairperson and another as Vice Chair.
With the consent of all institutional members of the Institute, the Rector of Hanken appoints a part-time Director to CCR.
A Project Assistant, Enni Nokkosmäki is working at 20% to support and develop CCR's activities.
Board Members-CCR
The board of CCR consists of following six members, in alphabetical order (updated in December 2018)
Martin Fougère, Associate Professor in Politics and Business, Hanken School of Economics
Martin Fougère is an Associate Professor in Politics and Business at Hanken in Helsinki. His current research interests include corporate responsibility, critical management studies, critical marketing, discourse theory, management ideology, populism, responsible management education, and social innovation. He has published in international journals such as Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Macromarketing, Management Learning, Organization, and Scandinavian Journal of Management. He has co-authored the book Marketing Discourse: A critical perspective and been an associate editor of Scandinavian Journal of Management since 2012.
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Dr Jan Klabbers, Professor of International Law, University of Helsinki
Jan Klabbers holds a doctorate from the University of Amsterdam (1996, with distinction), where he also used to teach. Since 1996 he teaches international law at the University of Helsinki, concentrating on international organizations, treaties, and matters of global ethics. He is the author of several books on international law, international organizations law, and EU law; co-author of The Constitutionalization of International Law (2009), and co-editor of a forthcoming volume The Challenge of Inter-Legality. He has held invited visiting positions at various institutions of higher learning, including NYU School of Law, the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Erasmus Law School Rotterdam, and Sorbonne.
Anna Salmivaara, PhD Candidate in development studies, University of Helsinki
Anna Salmivaara is a PhD Candidate in development studies at the University of Helsinki. Her dissertation analyses privatization of regulation from the perspective of Cambodian garment workers, combining perspectives of legal anthropology and global political economy. Her wider research interests center on the role of rights, law and regulation in economic and political conflicts. She holds an MA in Social Sciences from the University of Helsinki, and has previously worked in research projects with the UN and NGOs.
Maria Sandberg, PhD candidate, Hanken School of Economics; student in sociology, University of Helsinki.
Maria Sandberg is a PhD student at Hanken School of Economics as well as a student in sociology at University of Helsinki. Her research interests include sustainable production-consumption systems, sufficiency and degrowth, and environmental sustainability. Her dissertation analyzes advances to reduce consumption levels in high-consuming societies.
Dr. Hanna Silvola, Associate Professor, Hanken School of Economics
Hanna Silvola is a newly appointed Associated Professor in Accounting. Her research focus on sustainability accounting, CSR reporting and responsible investing. She teach these topics both at Hanken and in executive education. She has a wide international research experience including the LSE, Stanford University and the UNSW.
Anne Toppinen, Director of Helsinki Sustainability Science Institute (HELSUS), professor of forest economics and marketing, University of Helsinki.
Anne Toppinen is Director of Helsinki Sustainability Science Institute (HELSUS) and professor of forest economics and marketing, University of Helsinki. Her current research areas are sustainability management in forest industry, user-driven innovations and analysing transition to bio-based economy. Before joining University of Helsinki she worked in several research and research management positions including European Forest Institute, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Oregon State University and Academy of Finland.
Meeting Protocols-CCR
Protocol, Board Meeting, October 2019
Protocol, Board Meeting, February 2019
Protocol, Board Meeting, November 2018
Protocol, Board Meeting, October 2018
Protocol, Board Meeting (email), May 2018
Protocol, Board Meeting, November 11, 2017
Protocol Board meeting 15.9.2017
Protocol, Board Meeting, September 2017
Protocol, Board Meeting, October 13, 2016