Humanitarian Logistics
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Why Humanitarian Logistics?
Studying humanitarian logistics will help you understand the needs of a society and contribute to its resilience. You will learn how to apply logistics and supply chain management to the humanitarian context by designing and managing supply chains on a strategic and operational level. The skillset will prepare you to work together with organisations, both governmental and non-governmental, anywhere in the world. Altogether, this will facilitate learning on how to improve preparedness for emergency and respond to both man-made and natural disasters
In a nutshell
- 120 credits, 2 years of full-time study
- Language: English
- Degree: MSc in Economics and Business Administration
- Location: Helsinki, Finland
Study structure
During your studies you will:
- apply logistics and supply chain management concepts to the humanitarian context
- understand the needs of a society and contribute to its resilience
- liaise and cooperate with organisations, both governmental and non-governmental, national and international
- design and manage supply chains on a strategic and operational level
Year 1 Fall
Strategic and Sustainable Organisations
Supply Chain Risk and Resilience
Corporate Responsibility Across Business Studies
Service and Customer Management
Year 1 Spring
Research Seminar
Humanitarian Logistics
Project Course in Corporate Social Responsibility and Humanitarian Logistics
One of the following:
Qualitative Methods in Business Studies
Multivariate Data Analysis
Year 2 Fall
Master's Thesis Seminar (can be taken in the summer to speed up graduation)
Free choice of language studies
Year 2 Spring
Opportunity for exchange studies abroad
Master's thesis
Graduation in June
Upon Graduation You Will Have
In addition to the goals of the specialisation Business and Management, students in Humanitarian logistics will gain skills in
- Understanding the needs of society and contributing to its robustness and resilience
- Liaising and practically co-operating with other organizations, both governmental and non-governmental, national and international
- Preparing, designing, managing, and developing the organization’s supply chain on strategic and operational levels