Christian Grönroos - Legend in Marketing

Christian Grönroos (born 16 January 1947 in Helsinki, Finland) is professor (emeritus) of service and relationship marketing (1999-2014; active emeritus professor from 2014 onwards) at Hanken School of Economics (Svenska handelshögskolan) in Finland.
Previously he was professor of international and industrial marketing (1984-1999) at this business university. He received his doctoral degree in 1979 from Hanken School of Economics. Between 2001 and 2007 he served as guest professor of service management at Lund University, Sweden.
He has also been a visiting professor at Arizona State University, USA, University of Auckland, New Zealand, and Thammasat University, Thailand.
Honorary doctorates from:
- Åbo Akademi University, Finland
- Hasselt University, Belgium.
Honorary Professor at:
- Nankai University
- Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, China
- Oslo School of Management, Norway.
He also is CSL Distinguished Faculty at Center for Services Leadership, Arizona State University, USA and International Fellow at Service Research Centre, University of Karlstad, Sweden.
Research Impact
Christian Grönroos is the scholar in the business administration field in Finland with the highest research impact as noted by, for example, Notably, he holds a position among the top 200 scholars globally in the field of business administration. For a detailed overview of the citation impact of his publications, you can refer to Google Scholar [here]
Legends in Marketing
Christian Grönroos has been honored as a "Legend in Marketing" by the Sheth Foundation, marking the first selection outside North America. His research publications spanning from 1978 to 2013 have been featured in eight volumes of the “Legends in Marketing” series, edited by Professor Jagdish Sheth (series editor) and published by Sage Publications in 2013. Noteworthy marketing scholars featured alongside Grönroos include Richard Bagozzi, Paul Green, Shelby Hunt, Philip Kotler, Jagdish Sheth, and others.