Sustainable Organising - Part 2

Join this second open lecture in a 4 part series regarding sustainable organising around food and design!

Creativity and Grassroots Innovations in the creation of more sustainable and resilient local communities  

During this lecture we will focus on how creativity and innovation can be put to service for people and the planet. How can we use our inner creativity in a way that creates meaningful collaboration around food and sustainability living in local communities?  Mattias and David will speak of their own paths towards working for change towards a more sustainable world. During the lecture we will hear Mattias and David reflect on what made them dare to take the leap ‘out in the unknown’, leaving a salaried employment in order to work on topics related to sustainability full time. What do they see that is needed for others to follow? And how can grassroots organizing at the community level create the kind of sustainable futures needed to deal with the multiple crises of our times?

David Bennett is the co-chairman of the Swedish Transition Network and one of the founding members of the Byakademin training network. He currently leads the 2-year project Sustainable Food Systems in Härnös and and runs the company Sörnäsets Småbruk at home on the farm outside Härnösand. He lectures and does workshops on the principles and organisation of transitioning to life-affirming localisation. He is also part of the Rural Network's working group for Smart Rural Areas.

Mattias Olsson is a filmmaker, director and producer who runs the film and podcast platform Campfire Stories. Mattias has solid experience in the film industry. In the past eleven years, he has produced five documentary films for SVT and 13 for the film platform Campfire Stories.

The guest lectures are held with support from Näringslivets foundation.
