Info for conditionally admitted students
Is your admission offer conditional?
If your admission offer is only conditional because you are required to pay tuition fees, please follow the instructions sent to your e-mail since the info on this page does not apply to you. Choose below which study option you have been admitted to in order to obtain the correct information for you! |
Bachelor Degree Programme in Swedish or English
EB-Diploma, RP/DIA-diploma, Senior Secondary school conducted outside of Finland or vocational training conducted in Åland
Deliver your officially certified copies by post to the Admissions Office at Hanken: Hanken School of Economics Note! Hanken does not return the copies. Do not send us the original documents, we accept officially certified documents. |
Senior Secondary school conducted in Sweden
Master Degree Programme in Swedish
Om du avlägger examen under våren 2024:
Om du redan är utexaminerad men blir villkorligt antagen:
Notera! Hanken återlämnar inte inlämnade bilagor. Sänd oss därför inte dina ursprungliga dokument, utan enbart officiellt bestyrkta kopior. |
Är din behörighetsgivande examen avlagd utanför Finland?
Master Degree Programme in English
Degree obtained in Finland
Degree obtained outside Finland
PhD programme