2024 Botnia Accounting & Auditing Seminar

It is a great pleasure to invite you to the 2024 BACC Seminar in Vaasa, Finland. The seminar, organized for the second time, is a collaboration between the business schools in the Botnia region. We welcome submissions from Faculty and PhD Students addressing all aspects of financial accounting and/or auditing. BACC is organized every two years.

The programme includes research presentations and discussions, a keynote speech, and networking. We are honored to have two distinguished guests: the keynote speaker professor Linda Myers (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) and professor Bjørn Jørgensen (Copenhagen Business School and Hanken). 

Each paper is allocated 30 minutes. The author is expected to present the paper for about 15 minutes, and the discussant provides comments and suggestions for about 10 minutes and then there will be some time for questions from the floor. The main venue is the Original Sokos Hotel Royal Vaasa. To encourage as many as possible to participate and thanks to generous financial support from the Peter Wallenberg Foundation and Svensk-Österbottniska Samfundet, there is no registration fee and lunches both days will be provided. There will be a dinner on Monday, August 26th, for presenters and invited guests.

Monday, 26th of August 2024
09:00-09:15 Opening remarks
09:15-10:45 Session 1
10:45-11:15 Break
11:15-12:15 Key note
12:15-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:00 Session 2
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-17:00 Session 3


Tuesday, 27th of August 2024
09:15-10:15 Session 4
10:15-10:45 Break
10:45-12:15 Session 5
12:15-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:30 Session 6
14:30-15:00 Closing remarks 


Presenter Affiliation Title of presentation
Ali Nickpour Aalto university Baking and slicing the pie: The effect of compensation disparity in audit firms on audit quality
Aljoša Valentinčič University of Ljubljana Cost of Debt for Private Firms Revisited: Voluntary Audits as a Reflection of Risk
Anila Kiran University of Turku Auditor Career Stages and Client Portfolio Characteristics
Ankita Marwaha Aalto university The Emergence of Racial Sympathy: Evidence from the Stock Market Reaction to anti-Asian Sentiment during COVID-19
Benita Gullkvist University of Vaasa The Role of Corporate Governance in Goodwill Impairment Recognition in European Listed Companies
Hannu Ojala University of Eastern Finland Examining associations between anxiety about learning accounting, achievement goals and learning outcomes
Henry Jarva Hanken School of Economics Death of a CEO’s Spouse and Firm Performance
Jukka Sihvonen Aalto university Digital Frontiers: Balancing Cybersecurity Risks in the Age of Digital Transformation
Laura Arranz-Aperte University of the Balearic Islands Financial reporting quality within business groups
Mariya Ivanova Stockholm School of Economics Executive Bonus Adjustments to Industry Non-Financial Violations
Mikko Ranta University of Vaasa Understanding accruals via machine learning
Milda Tylaite Stockholm School of Economics Practical Expedients – A Valid Tool in IFRS Standard-Setting?
Noor Alshamma Stockholm School of Economics Identifying profitable value-to-price strategies: Predicting corrections with a fundamentals-based approach
Stefan Sundgren Umeå university Are unaudited firms more likely to disregard tax payments prior to bankruptcy? Small firm evidence from Sweden
Ting Dong Stockholm School of Economics Audit Materiality Judgments during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from the United Kingdom
Victoria Clout University of New South Wales The high road or the low road? The information environment around backdoor market listing


Submissions and registration
Faculty are expected to submit full papers, whereas PhD Students have the option to submit either full papers or a research proposal.

All submitted full papers will undergo blind peer review for significance, fit, and quality. Proposals should contain sufficient description of idea, research objective, intended contribution, and research design.

Full papers and PhD student proposals should be submitted as an attachment in pdf format to redovisning@hanken.fi, no later than May 19th, 2024. The first page should be a title page with author details. Early submissions are encouraged. Decisions will be sent out in the beginning of June after which registration will be possible.

Travel and accomodation
Participants are responsible for their own travel expenses and accommodation. Vaasa airport is located about 9 km from the city centre and has daily flights to and from Helsinki and Stockholm. Domestic trains to and from Vaasa are more frequent (due to track work on Tuesday, August 27th, we offer a chartered minibus from Vaasa to Tampere). There is also a ferry (Wasaline) between Vaasa and Umeå (Sweden). A limited number of rooms have been reserved at the rate of 90,11 € per standard room at the Original Sokos Hotel Royal Vaasa. Please make the reservation early using the code BACC24 to take advantage of this special room rate. 

Organizing committee
Dennis Sundvik (Hanken School of Economics)
Elina Haapamäki (University of Vaasa)
Jesper Haga (Hanken School of Economics)
Henrik Höglund (Hanken School of Economics)
Kim Ittonen (Hanken School of Economics)
Lasse Niemi (Aalto University)
Stefan Sundgren (Umeå University)
Tobias Svanström (Umeå University)


Previous editions

1st Botnia Accounting & Auditing Seminar Programme (2022)

2nd Botnia Accounting & Auditing Seminar Programme (2024)