
Wintery landscape and apartment buildning
Do you need housing to start your studies at Hanken? Here you find information about student housing both in Helsinki and in Vaasa and link to other sources.

Student Housing in Helsinki

It can be challenging to find housing in the capital region.

  • Apply for housing immediately when you receive the admission offer in order to improve your chances.
  • If you are open to living outside the immediate city centre or live in a shared apartment, your possibilities to receive a housing offer improves.
  • Apply for housing through different channels simultaneously to increase the chance to receive a housing offer - remember to withdraw unnecessary applications if you have already received housing.
  • If you are offered student housing, accept the offer if the housing option even to some degree meet your expectations because if you decline the offer, you will be placed at the bottom of the housing queue. Once you have learnt to know the city, you can always apply to change your apartment.
  • Hanken has also reserved a quota of 12 rooms for new international students in our own student apartments in Majsporten to help with integrating in Helsinki – if you are an international student, we highly recommend that you apply for the apartment types listed below to ensure accommodation upon arrival in Helsinki. The international quota includes the following types of apartments i Majsporten:
    • 2 One-room+kitchenette furnished apartments
    • 2 One-room+kitchenette unfurnished apartments
    • 4 furnished shared buddy two-room apartment (2 separate rooms + shared room with kitchen – you can apply for just one room in the shared apartment if you wish).

You can check the public transfort from different housing areas in the capital region via hsl.fi Opens in new window .


Student Housing in Vaasa

There is a good amount of student apartments in Vaasa, but do apply for housing immediately when you have received the admission offer. Vaasa is a smaller city and the best option is to walk or bike in the city. 



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