Registering as present

Instructions for how to register as present and information about the yearly sticker for the student card

The deadline for registration for the next academic year is 31 August. If you have chosen to register as present for the autumn term only, the deadline for annual registration for the spring term is 15 January.

Bachelor's and Master's students

According to the Universities Act, every university should have a student union, and membership in the student union is mandatory for bachelor's and master's students. Therefore, all bachelor's and master's students pay a student union fee.

The total cost is 70 euros. This money is spent to assure your interests are taken into consideration in society and at the university. Through the union membership, you also gain access to a student card that allows you to access reduced prices on public transport, in many stores, in the university cafeteria, at the student gym Unisport and much more. Additionally, you can apply for housing through HOAS, as well as participate in the many activities and use the facilities of the student union.

Enrolment as present 1 May - 31 August

During this time period, you can pay the student union fee and register as present through the Oili Service. If there are problems with the payment in Oili, please contact

Students subject to tutition fees

If you are subject to tutition fees (non EU/EEA citizens), you need to have done one of the following before you can register as present through the Oili Service:

  • Paid the tuition fee for the upcoming academic year/term (invoice expiration date for payment is 1.8 (or 15.6 if you need to register as present earlier e.g. due to renewal of residence permit - please note, payments will not be checked before that date)
  • Provided Hanken with a residence permit exempting from tuititon fees which is valid on 1.8 versus 1.1 for the Autumn and Spring term via this e-form.
  • If you have any questions concering tuition fees or scholarships, please contact

If you wish to register as absent, please contact


Enrolment as present after 31 August

If you have enrolled as absent and wish to change the enrolment to present after 31 August, the student union fee is to be paid to the Student Union's account according to separate payment information. Please contact for more information.

Student healthcare fee 

You must pay the student healthcare fee if you are studying for a higher education degree and have registered as present for the current term. The healthcare fee covers medical care and mental health services as well as oral health services from the Finnish Student Health Services (FSHS). You must pay the fee even if you use occupational or other health services instead of the FSHS.

You will not be billed separately for the student healthcare fee. Rather, you must make sure to pay it in OmaKela for each academic term. Visit Kela’s website for information about how to pay the student healthcare fee.

The due date for paying the student healthcare fee is determined based on the date on which you register as attending.

  • For the spring term, the due date is 15 March, provided that you have registered as attending by 31 January. If you register as attending for the spring term on or after 1 February, the due date is 31 July.
  • The due date for the autumn term is 15 November, provided that you have registered as attending by 30 September. If you register as attending for the autumn term on or after 1 October, the due date is 31 December.

If you have social security coverage in another EU/EEA country, Switzerland, Great Britain or Northern Ireland, you do not have to pay the healthcare fee, but you must still contact Kela. However, you can use the FSHS’s services. Visit Kela’s website for information about how to proceed if you have social security coverage in another EU/EEA country, Switzerland, Great Britain or Northern Ireland.

Membership in two Student unions

If you are simultaneously studying for a bachelor or master's degree at two different universities in Finland, you should pay the student union fee of both of the student unions. The health care fee is only paid once. 

Doctoral researchers

Attendance is made through Oili Service.

Every doctoral student should have a yearly development discussion with their supervisor. You are responsible for making an appointment with the supervisor/s well in advance. We recommend that you make a study plan or sign a supervision agreement with your degree supervisor. 

The development discussion is carried out with the degree supervisor and when possible also with the thesis supervisor/s. The participation by the thesis supervisor/s is especially relevant when the main emphasis is on the thesis project. It is therefore desirable that both the degree and thesis supervisor/s take part in the discussion when possible.

During the meeting the following is to be discussed: how the goals set for the previous academic year have been achieved, as well as the goals set for the next academic year. This includes information on courses, the thesis project, conference presentations, progress of other papers and publications. Furthermore, the supervisor/s and you are to agree on rules on how to work together for the next 12 months. The discussion is based around your study plan.

Membership in the student union of Hanken is not mandatory for doctoral researchers. Doctoral researchers may, however, choose to join Hanken's Student Union by paying the fee.

Doctoral researchers are not entitled to the same benefits as are master students. For example, doctoral students are not entitled to the health services provided by The Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS).

Student ID card sticker

When you have paid the student union membership fee, you can get the yearly sticker in August for your student ID card in Skogen, located in the basement of the main building in Helsinki. Contact details: gensek(a)

In Vaasa the stickers are available from the Studies and admissions.

You must always show your student card with the sticker when you

  • take part in exams
  • need a certificate of any kind
  • eat at the student restaurant for a student price

The sticker is only attached to your student union card and therefore will not be given to you without your student union card.