Count on Hanken
The campaign Count on Hanken has ended - Thank You to all who participated in the campaign! The donations strengthen Hanken’s development and guarantees its unique position as Finland’s only independent business school.
Count on Hanken
Hanken has participated in The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra's co-financing campaign where a total of 67 million euros were allocated to the universities in Finland. The campaign Count on Hanken ended 30.6.2022 and exceeded all expectations by bringing in 6 561 777 euros in donations. In November, the announcement of the state matching came and as the fourth largest recipient, Hanken received an amount of 6 273 000 euros. This means that Hanken increases its basic capital portfolio by 12.8 million euros. The goal of the campaign was to strengthen Hanken's core activities and the unique position as Finland's only independent business school.