System updates

Sisu is continuously updated. Every version update brings improvements and new functions. This page informs you about the most central new functions for each installed version.



Sisu 4.0, installed on 12.6.2024

  • Error messages are no longer shown as a red banner, but as a pop-up window.
  • Work in the background to improve the new functions for the Open university as well as cross studies.
  • Work in the background to improve the accessibility.
  • The study plan shows you whether the completion method is selected for each course or not without having to open the course information. The completion method can also be chosen via the pop-up window instead of opening the course information.
  • If the teaching has set quotas for the participants (eg. 3 places for Open university students), it is shown when registering for the teaching.
  • The instructions for equivalences have been updated.
  • Applications for substitution and inclusion can be marked as errors and returned for processing so that students do not have to submit a new application in cases of minor errors.
  • Completed degrees which have been registered can be marked as errors and the application can be returned for processing to that students do not have to submit a new application, provided that the previous application had the correct information.
  • A new front page is being developed, but not yet taken into use.
  • On the tab "Registered students" on implementations the accordions for teaching groups and quotas are collapsed by default.
  • Responsible persons can be added to courses via a mass update tool.
  • The Transactions page remembers where you were when returning to the list from an application.
  • Applications for substitution and inclusion can be marked as errors and returned for processing so that students do not have to submit a new application in cases of minor errors.
  • Completed degrees which have been registered can be marked as errors and the application can be returned for processing to that students do not have to submit a new application, provided that the previous application had the correct information.

Sisu 3.0, installed on 20.3.2024

  • Work in the background to improve the new functions for the Open university as well as cross studies.
  • Work in the background to improve the accessibility.
  • A new beta version of the front page has been released.
  • Cancelled events can be hidden in the study calendar.
  • The Registrations tab on My profile now also shows the course code.
  • The study plan shows a warning banner if the study plan contains courses in an earlier version.
  • The functionality of the Registration page has been improved.
  • Some bugs have been fixed.
  • Quotas on implementations can now be defined according to educations.
  • The end date for responsible teachers' validity period on courses can be updated via a mass update tool.
  • Texts printed onto degree diplomas can be specified on degree programmes and study modules.
  • Study modules and degree programmes can be filtered based on the responsible person.


Sisu 2.14, installed on 14.12.2023

  • Work in the background to improve the new functions for the Open university as well as cross studies.
  • Work in the background to improve the accessibility, ie. on the study calendar and messages page.
  • The curriculum periods are sorted from newest to oldest on the Search page for courses.
  • Instructions for equivalences and substitutions have been improved on the course info page.
  • A bug has been fixed, which showed that a PDF is being created when downloading a CSV of students registered to an implementation.
  • Students registered to an implementation can be moved to confirmed registrations even if the teaching group is full.
  • The view for students' completed credits via implementations, courses, modules and degree programmes has been changed to a pop-up window.

Sisu 2.13, installed on 9.10.2023

  • Work in the background to improve the new functions for the Open university as well as cross studies.
  • Sisu got a new registration page which gathers all information about your registrations to one page. More information about the new page can be found here.
  • You can access the Study calendar as a student also without having a study plan.
  • The possibility to apply for credit transfer by adding the other university's course to your study plan and then apply for the credit transfer has been corrected and removed. The credit transfer still works as usual by first having Hanken's course in your study plan and following the instructions.
  • The accessibility has been improved regarding study modules and degree programmes.
  • Study guidance groups' students' emails can be copied. The study guidance groups have not been taken into use for teachers at Hanken yet.
  • The view for students' completed credits has changed so that the additional information is opened in a pop-up window instead of the panel to the right.
  • The Transactions page has got new search filters: degree programme, major/specialisation, applications I'm currently processing.
  • The search filters on the Transactions page have been organised alphabetically.
  • The view for students' completed credits has changed so that the additional information is opened in a pop-up window instead of the panel to the right. Editing and marking as misregistered is moved to the three-dot-menu furthest to the right of the completed credit.

Sisu 2.12, installed on 26.6.2023

  • Work in the background to improve the accessibility.
  • When students complete returned substitution applications, they can add and remove attachments. The student gets a message in Sisu when an application has been returned for completion.
  • The student's study right (program) and active phase (bachelor/master) is shown in the list of registered students on an implementation.
  • The language of completion has been added to the CSV of registered students on an implementation. (Hanken currently only uses one language of completion on the implementations)
  • An assessment item can be registered via personalised assessment for a student. (Useful for other universities, who use the assessment items as parts of a whole completion method of a course)
  • Improvements in handling students on an implementation:
    • Selections of teaching groups can be changed for students whose registrations have been rejected, and for students who don't fulfil the requirements
    • The student's study right and active phase is shown in the list of registered students

Sisu 2.11, installed on 20.3.2023

  • A lot of background work to develop the functionalities for the Open university and cross-institutional studies.
  • Applications for substitution, inclusion, and custom course credits can be returned to students for correction/completion if something is missing, instead of  having to create a new application.
  • The view showing how much study time is left has been updated, and shows the information in text instead of pictures now.
  • A link to the student's completed credits has been added to the implementations, when opening the information about the student.
  • When searching for implementations, a default filter for the current academic year will be set (using the "Staff" role).
  • Applications for substitution can now be returned to students for correction/completion if something is missing.
  • Improvements on the CSV file which can be downloaded from implementations.
  • A link to the student's completed credits has been added to the implementations, when opening the information about the student.
  • When searching for implementations, a default filter for the current academic year will be set.
  • Applications for substitution, inclusion and custom course credits can now be returned to students for correction/completion if something is missing.
  • One can set other processors than oneself on transactions.


Sisu 2.10, installed on 12.12.2022

  • A lot of work in the background to develop the functionalities for the Open University.
  • Students can't cancel accepted module content applications if the administration defined it not to be possible in the application.
  • The administration can register tuition fees for students obligated to pay them.
  • If the administration has created an application for module contents, it can be defined that students can't cancel the application.
  • Included and substituted credits can now be marked as misregistered.
  • The list of transactions gets a column with information about which program the student is in.

Sisu 2.9, installed on 3.10.2022

  • A lot of work in the background to develop the functionalities for the Open University.
  • Improvements regarding accessibility when searching for courses.
  • Custom course credits can be registered without the student's application in Sisu (in exceptional cases).
  • Possibility to mark the tuition fee as paid when registering grants.

Sisu 2.8, installed on 13.6.2022

  • A message regarding automatic logout if Sisu hasn't been used in two hours. The time limit restarts if the "Continue" button is pressed.
  • Improvements regarding accessibility, eg. contrasts, the name of menues in the URL, icon updates.
  • Small improvements in the information in the study calendar.
  • If you try to register a grade in the future, a warning alert will be shown.
  • Application for module content approval can be done for the student.
  • Inclusions can be registered without the student's application in Sisu (in exceptional cases).
  • If you try to register a grade in the future, a warning alert will be shown.

Sisu 2.7, installed on 2.5.2022

  • The error messages will be shown as a banner instead of a pop up window. The page will not be automatically reloaded in case of an error message.
  • Links will open in new tabs.
  • On the Search page, the field for selecting the university will move. Searching for courses requires clicking on Search or on Enter on your keyboard. These updates are made to improve the accessibility.
  • The substitution application gets a direct link to the student's information.
  • The default date for the assessments of implementations is the last date of the implementation.
  • The substitution application gets a direct link to the student's information.
  • The name of the student's study plan can be edited.
  • Substitutions can be registered without the student's application in Sisu (in exceptional cases).
  • When searching for students with the study number, a full match for the study number is needed.