Students outsde Hankens building

Tervetuloa Hankenille!

Kauppakorkeakoulu Hankenilla on yli 115 vuoden kokemus koulutuksesta ja tutkimuksesta kauppatieteiden alalta. Hankenille on myönnetty tärkeimmät kolme kansainvälistä, arvostettua laatuakkreditointia, EQUIS, AACSB ja AMBA, jotka on saavuttanut vain yksi prosentti koko maailman kauppakorkeakouluista. Olemme myös yksi Suomen kansainvälisimmistä yliopistoista.
Julens öppettider
Here you can find the opening hours for Hanken during Christmas and New Year 2024.
Finlands och Sveriges flaggor ovanpå en världskarta.
What will happen to the business relations between Finland and Sweden now that both countries are members of NATO? This is one of the questions a new research project at Hanken School of Economics aims to answer. The project has been granted 120,000 euros from the Foundation for Economic Education in Finland.
Tjock rök väller ut ur en skorsten upp mot himlen.
Companies in regions where climate change denial is widespread among the people are often the most reluctant to tackle climate issues. These companies impose more costs on society and are more likely to commit federal violations related to environmental issues, according to a study conducted by researchers at Hanken School of Economics and the University of Vaasa.
Våg och ordförandeklubba
Finland has implemented a subsidy scheme to compensate industrial producers for the indirect costs of the emissions trading system. Maria Wang shows in her dissertation that the subsidy has not been optimally designed. Its recipients are mostly large companies that do not suffer from the increase in electricity costs caused by emissions trading.