The integrated Bachelor's and Master's programme

Studying Marketing at Hanken means viewing marketing as a strategic process guiding and driving the entire business of the company. To have Marketing as a major in the integrated Bachelor's and Master's programme gives you:
- Understanding of customers and markets: As a student, you will get an understanding of customers’ needs and behavior in various markets, of the strategic importance of marketing for companies, and of the societal importance of marketing for markets.
- Basic knowledge on marketing as an instrument of management: You will learn about the role of marketing as a tool for competing in markets, as a strategic way of thinking, and as a perspective to managing the organization.
- Knowledge of implementing different marketing actions: We give you tools to analyze, plan, realize and evaluate key marketing actions, such as developing products and services, setting optimal prices, building sales and distribution channels, and planning advertising and promotion.
- Command and understanding of market research: You learn to produce, acquire and interpret information on markets, customers, and the operating environment with the help of market research.
- Possibility to specialize in a certain field : By choosing your elective courses, you can obtain specialized skills in different fields of marketing.
The future prospects for a marketing major are good. Most of our graduates get and have jobs in positions closely related to their studies.
Bachelor's studies in a nutshell
- 180 credits, 3 years full time studies
- Language: Swedish
- Degree: Bachelor of Science in Economics and Business Administration
- Location: Helsinki and Vaasa
Master's studies in a nutshell
- 120 credits, 2 years full-time studies
- Language: Swedish or English
- Degree: Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration
- Location: Helsinki and Vaasa
Structure of the studies
The integrated Bachelor's and Master's programme involves that you first complete a Bachelor's degree (180 ECTS) and then a Master's degree (120 ECTS) in five years. During the studies, you complete courses of the basic, intermediate, and advanced level. After finishing your studies, you are as a graduated Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration, M.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Adm).
Please note that this integrated programme requires proficiency in Swedish. There are no bachelor level programmes in English.
We recommend that you become acquainted with the course selection and study plans for marketing in Sisu to get an insight into which themes major studies of marketing comprise.
During the Bachelor's studies:
- The emphasis is on getting versatile understanding of practical tasks that marketers meet in their everyday work.
- Students learn about the various fields of marketing and their functions in companies and on the market.
- Learning happens by conducting exercises and practical projects, by reading and reflecting on books and academic articles, as well as by doing case assignments.
- Course work is usually divided between lectures, group work, and individual studying.
During the Master's studies:
- The emphasis is on strategic way of thinking and critical analysis, through deepening one's knowledge in different fields of marketing.
- The student learns to conduct market research, apply models and theories to marketing problems, and to present the results of research. The student also learns to analyse research problems and evaluate critically different kinds of research reports.
- Learning happens through research-emphasized teaching (e.g. reading and reflecting on academic research articles) as well as through market research in the field and exercises and case studies with real companies.
- Course work is usually divided between lectures, group work, and individual studying.
If you have questions about the integrated Bachelor's and Master's Programme of Marketing as a major, contact the Head of Subject.