
Information about on-site exams and about other types of exams (at the bottom of the webpage).

The exam dates and times for on-site exams can be found on the course page in Moodle and in Sisu (course description). You can only take the exam on the pre-determined exam occasions.

The registration for on-site exams is done in Moodle. Only students who have registered for the exam are allowed to take it. The registration closes one week prior to the exam. Late registrations will not be accepted.

Students who have successfully registered for an exam will receive an automatic confirmation to their email address. All students who have registered for a particular exam will also when the registration has closed, receive an email containing important information regarding the exam (e.g. information about the exam room). The email will be sent to the students' Hanken email address.

If you have registered for an exam but do not wish to take it, you should deregister from the exam by sending an email to tenter@hanken.fi. For other exam-related questions, please contact the same email address.

If you have forgotten to register for the exam, you can sign up for the waiting list. A student who is on the waiting list may be able to take the exam if someone who has registered for the exam on time fails to attend. The number of students on the waiting who are allowed to take the exam is equal to the number of registered students who fail to attend the exam.

NB! The waiting list does not guarantee the right to take an exam. Only students who have registered for the exam through regular registration on time, are guaranteed entry to the exam room, provided they arrive to the exam on time.

Students who have signed up for the waiting list cannot apply for extended writing time. Only students who have registered for the exam on time can be granted extended writing time.

The deadline to sign up for the waiting list is at 13:00 on the workday preceding the exam. Late registrations will not be accepted.

You should participate in exams at the study location of your study right, i.e., in either Helsinki or Vaasa. However, if you still want to take an exam at the other study location, you must apply for permission to take an exam at the other location. The deadline for applying is one week prior to the exam.

Please note that you can take an exam at the other study location only of there is a scheduled exam at the same date and time (at the location where you wish to take your exam). You can take an exam at the other study location only of there is room for additional students.

You can apply for permission to take an exam at the other study location by filling out this form.

The following rules apply to centrally organized on-site exams: 

  • If you become ill and cannot take the exam, you can participate in the second exam occasion of the course. No additional exam occasions are offered. You can only take the exam on the pre-determined exam occasions.
  • Arrive on time for your exam. The exam will start at set time. If you do not arrive on time, you might lose the right to take the exam to a student who is on the waiting list. This is the case even if you have registered for the exam, through regular registration, on time.
  • You are no longer allowed to enter the exam room fifteen minutes after the exam has begun.
  • You are not allowed to talk and share materials with others during the exam.
  • You are not allowed to eat during the exam. You are allowed to bring something to drink, but we do not recommend it.
  • Your mobile phone and smart watch must be placed with your other belongings at the front of the classroom. If you are seen with a mobile phone or smart watch after the exam has begun, your exam will be terminated and counted as failed.
  • Only writing tools, calculator and possible other equipment specified on the exam paper are allowed on the table. You should have your official ID visible on the table while taking the exam.
  • You are allowed to visit the bathroom during the exam, but the supervisors are logging the happenings in the exam room and will therefore also log your bathroom break.
  • You are allowed to exit from the exam room earliest 60 minutes after the exam has started.
  • By raising you hand, you can ask for more exam paper to wrote on or ask to go to the toilet. One of the exam supervisors will follow you to the bathroom.
  • You should write your name, your student number, your study location (Helsinki/Vaasa) and the name of the course on every paper you turn in. You must turn in all papers, but if there is something that you do not want to be assessed, please cross out the answers that you wish to exclude.
  • You will need to prove your identity by showing an official ID when you turn in your exam.
  • When you have finished your exam, you are not allowed to linger outside the room.

Please read more about Hanken's Action Plan against Academic Dishonesty.

If you have a need for individual arrangements for exams e.g., additional time for completing the exam, you need to hand in an application for individual arrangements first. To be granted individual arrangements, you must have a statement from a doctor or an equivalent expert. More information about individual arrangements and about the application procedure can be found here. Please observe that you can be granted individual arrangements for exams only if you have handed in an application (via the above-mentioned webpage) that has been approved.

If you have been granted individual arrangements for exams, you should inform us about it through the same form that you use for exam registration, by ticking the following option: "I have been granted extra time or other individual arrangements for exams". You do not need to contact the teacher or anyone else to receive the individual arrangements that you have been granted, just tick the above-mentioned box when registering for the exam. This procedure applies to centrally organized on-site exams that require exam registration through Moodle.

In other types of exams (exams in class, e-exams in Examinarium, Moodle exams and so on) you should always contact the examiner.

If you are an elite athlete student and belong to either URHEA or Vaasanseudun urheiluakatemia, you could have some flexibility regarding exams depending on your level. Students at URHEA level one or two, or at an equivalent level for students who belong to Vaasanseudun urheiluakatemia, might (due to e.g., training camps or similar reasons) be able to take a centrally organized on-site exam remotely. If the exam is taken remotely, the student's coach will act as a supervisor during the exam. The exam must take place at the same time as the other course participants take it. Please contact tenter@hanken.fi in good time before the exam takes place (no later than one week prior to the exam) to agree on this kind of arrangement.

Elite athletes at URHEA level three, or at an equivalent level at Vaasanseudun urheilukatatemia can, unfortunately not, obtain the above-described special arrangements. However, it might be possible to receive some flexibility regarding assignments and similar tasks. Please contact the course examiner to find out what is possible regarding a specific course.

Exam results are released individually to students through Moodle, Exam, by email or in similar ways. The results must be released no later than two weeks after the exam has taken place (except for weekends) and no later than two weeks before the following exam occasion. For special reasons, the head of department can decide to prolong the release time. The decision must immediately be announced on the course page in Moodle.

As of 1 August 2021, you can only try to get a higher grade for a completed course during the same course round i.e., you may not retake a course that you have already passed.

Completed and registered credits cannot be deleted from the study register. The same or largely overlapping courses cannot be taken more than once, as students cannot receive double credits for courses that have the same or almost the same content.

Read more about improving grades and grading of studies.

In addition to on-site exams, there are also other types of exams e.g., Moodle exams. Moodle exams take place online and the examiner decides how the exam is conducted and what rules apply to it. A Moodle exam may sometimes require exam registration, other times registration is not required. Please follow the examiner's instructions.

Some courses may have electronic e-exams in Exam. E-exams are taken on a computer in a particular video-monitored exam room (Examinarium). You need to sign up for the exam in advance by booking a time slot. You must not leave the exam room during the exam i.e., you are not allowed to visit the toilet. If you do not have a key to Hanken, please make sure to choose a time slot when Hanken staff can let you in. Here you can find more information about e-exams and opening hours.