| 13.06.2022

Reminder: Fill out anonymous sustainability survey (DL 23.6)

Faculty, administrative staff and doctoral students, please respond to this anonymous survey on sustainability in teaching, research and our work community. The questions are adapted according to the respondent's background information, but the questionnaire takes a maximum of 20 minutes to answer.

Every two years, Hanken surveys employees' opinions on how sustainability and responsibility have been integrated into our operations. The questionnaire is divided into six different sections and consists of statements on a Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree, 3 = neutral, 5 = strongly agree) and voluntary open-ended questions. Please respond according to your own opinion, based on your experiences. Note! If you feel like you are unable to answer a certain statement you can choose the "skip" option. 

The answers support the formulation of Hanken's sustainability goals for the coming years.The answers from the survey are used to compile Hanken's PRME report , which will be published at the turn of the year 2022-23. 

The survey (requires login)

In English: https://forma.hanken.fi/lomakkeet/2401/lomakkeet.html

In Swedish: https://forma.hanken.fi/lomakkeet/2440/lomake.html

