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Back to Campus 13.9.2023 - Hanken in Helsinki and Vaasa

Welcome back to Hanken for a new term! During the fair at lunch time you can meet the support services/the student union and participate in a playful treasure hunt. You will also get to know Hanken’s guidelines for the use of AI-based tools in your studies during one of the AI infosessions.

10:15-11:15 AI infosession (in Swedish) in the Assembly Hall in Helsinki with streaming to auditorium 142 in Vaasa. It is also possible to join the infosession online. Link to the Teams meeting: Click here to join the meeting Opens in new window

12:30-13:30 AI infosession (in English) in the Assembly Hall in Helsinki with streaming to auditorium 142 in Vaasa. All students should familiarize themselves with Hanken’s guidelines for the use of AI-based tools in the studies – join an AI info session to learn the do’s and don’ts when it comes to AI in your studies. It is also possible to join the infosession online. Link to the Teams meeting: Click here to join the meeting Opens in new window

At 11:15-13:00 fair at lunch time in the Foyer. Participating: the support staff, the Student Union, Unisport, the study coach, study psychologist, Folkhälsan: project Växthus, Career Services. You can participate in a treasure hunt and win an overall patch.

In addition: those who recently have chosen their major subject within their bachelor’s degree participate in a major specific info session in the morning / those master’s students who recently have completed their bachelor’s studies at Hanken participate in a major specific master’s info session in the afternoon (those concerned have received a separate email about this). - the timetable for the sessions is found on the Swedish webpage.