Live stream from Vaasa Arts and Science Carnival

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Vaasa Arts and Science Carnival ( is live streaming from two stages where Eva-Lena Lundgren and Man Yang and Frida Nyqvist will be presenting on Saturday. Vaasa Arts and Science Carnival is a popular science, multilingual event for everyone. The programme includes a total of 36 hours of discussions, interviews, lectures and presentations.

Hankenresearchers are participating in Vaasa Arts and Science Carnival with the following programmes: 

Friday 17.11

REWELL at 12:30
Maria Ehrnström Fuentes

Panel discussion: Hur kan människa och natur samarbeta för att återställa ekologiska balansen?

Den här paneldiskussionen fokuserar på biologisk mångfald och EUs planerade direktiv för naturskydd. Hur ska vi människor organisera oss tillsammans med andra arter så vi gynnar både en välmående natur och välmående människor? Vilken sorts ledarskap behövs för att stärka den biologiska mångfalden och minska konflikterna som ofta uppstår då olika synsätt hur naturen ska skötas krockar med varann?

RITZ at 15:40
Carlos Diaz Ruiz

How Do Conspiracy Theories Convince? A Case Study of the Flat Earth Conspiracy

One can fact-check news, but not beliefs. In this presentation you will learn about an online environment that gathers people who believe the Earth is flat and how they make their arguments credible to their audience. Disinformation circulates through grudges that can’t be disproven. Never-ending arguments create a feedback loop that solidifies points of view, and finally becomes a way of ‘knowing’ in the world. 

Saturday 18.11

RITZ at 13:30
Eva-Lena Lundgren and Man Yang

Becoming sustainable female entrepreneurs

How do women create meaning in their entrepreneurial journeys towards sustainability? In this presentation (in English and Swedish) researchers share insights from 20 female entrepreneurs’ life stories that has led them towards sustainability.

REWELL at 15:00
Frida Nyqvist

Science Slam!: Are we villains or survivors? Stories from the restaurant industry during Covid-19

Do you recall the massive shutdowns when the pandemic hit Finland? Imagine if you would have been a restaurant owner at that point. Through interviews with restaurant managers and employees I have recognised a set of ‘stories’ that describe how differently the industry made sense of and coped with the pandemic. Join me to hear survival stories from one of the worst hit businesses during Covid-19!

Science Slam! is a playful competition where researchers present their research in an innovative and entertaining way in 5 minutes. The winner is voted by the audience.


The full programme is available on the carnival's website The programme is mainly in Swedish and Finnish. 

The carnival is held in the centre of Vaasa in the Rewell Shopping Centre, Ritz and Restaurant Loftet. On the third stage, the programme is recorded as podcasts and published afterwards.

The main organizer is the Society of Swedish Literature in Finland in cooperation with Åbo Akademi University, University of Vaasa, Swedish School of Economics, University of Helsinki/Faculty of Law, Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu Vamk and Novia University of Applied Sciences.

Photo: Panel discussion led by Maria Ehrnström-Fuentes, Science Carnival 2021