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Olika nationaliteters flaggor vajar i vinden mot en klarblå himmel.
The studies at Hanken are international in many ways, not least thanks to the unique mandatory exchange semester for all bachelor-level students. Meet four students who are on exchange in different parts of the world during the spring semester 2024.
Paneldeltagare på FII-evenemang
According to the Finnish Innovation Index (FII) BeyondMeat, MeEat and Oatly are the most innovative companies in Finland 2024. The annual FII study, conducted by Hanken School of Economics, lists the most innovative companies and their respective industries according to Finnish consumers.
What motivates people to pay their taxes? And what shapes moral condemnation of tax evasion? New research uncovers the complex moral psychology underlying why people pay taxes or evade them, providing insights for sustaining ethical cooperation as financial technologies evolve.
Hanken flaggor
Nikodemus Solitander, Director of the Centre for Corporate Responsibility (CCR) at Hanken School of Economics, has been appointed by the Parliamentary Ombudsman as a member of the National Human Rights Delegation at the Human Rights Centre for a period of four years.