| 06.04.2017

Guide for writing web news

The Hanken website is under constant work to make it as user friendly as possible. A step on the way are these guidelines on how to publish news on the web.
  1. Start with a catching headline. It should preferably be quite short.
  2. The Summary-field has to be filled with a short introduction to the text. It can be max 250 characters but 160 is the limit to what Google shows in searches.
  3. If you paste the text into the Body-field from some other document, please remember to run it through the symbol “Paste from Word” to remove possible formatting from the text.
  4. Choose your Audience. That will determine on which page the news is visible. News for the Hanken Front Page is published by External Relations.
  5. News intended for a Hanken sub brand’s front page: choose the sub brand in Audience and under the title Access you choose “public”.
  6. News Type communicates what type of news you’re publishing (event, employee information, general information..)
  7. Enter suitable tags in the Finto-tag field.
  8. If the information in your text will expire in the future (deadlines, opening hours etc.), please enter an Expire date in the corresponding field. Then the news will automatically disappear from the news feed.
  9. The last thing to determine is who will have access to your text. If it’s open for everyone you can check “public”. Otherwise just check the boxes according to your target audience.
  10. After you have pressed the save button, continue with choosing “Translate” and publish the news also in Swedish.


If you have any questions, please contact:

Marlene Günsberg
PR Officer