Guest lecture: Organising in Defence of Life - Land Defenders and Rights of Nature

We are pleased to invite you to attend a series of three online seminars hosted by the course ‘Sustainable Organising in Times of Crisis’. The second lecture is held on February 11th at 2.15 p.m.

In this lecture we will hear from indigenous land defender Helena Sirén-Gualinga (Ecuador/Finland) and Rights of Nature advocacy activist Pella Thiel (Sweden). The lecture will focus on topics related to the organising in defence of life itself in territories threatened by resource extraction and how such organising can be supported by global movements advocating for change in international regulations on how governments and corporations are held responsible for their impact on communities and the environment. 

The guest lecture will be held in Teams. Registration for the event can be done here (by 10.2.2021)
After this you can contact for registration. 

The participation link will be sent via e-mail to all registered participants on 11.2.2021 before the session.

The meeting room opens 15 minutes before the lecture starts. Please be mindful that this lecture is primarily part of in class learning for the students at Hanken taking this course and a limited amount of places is available for the public. 

About the Speakers:

Helena Gualinga

Picture of Helena Siren - Gualingua


Helena Gualinga is a 18 year old indigenous right defender and climate advocate from an Indigenous community in the Ecuadorian amazon called Sarayaku. Gualinga has followed in the footsteps of her fellow community members to create awareness regarding extractivism in the Amazon and the importance of Indigenous people's rights. In 2019 she co-founded Polluters Out, an international youth led climate movement and in 2020 she co-founded Tandari, an organization working towards sustainability in Ecuador. She has attended multiple international confrences and summits and is currently finalizing her last year of high school in Finland.


Pella Thiel

Picture of speaker Pella Thiel


Pella Thiel is an activist and ecologist based in Sweden, working for a society in harmony with Nature through policy. Her main focus is ecocide as an international crime through End Ecocide Sweden and the Rights of Nature in law. She has an MSc in Ecology from Stockholm University with the thesis on rainforest restoration in Ecuador. She is a knowledge expert in the UN Harmony with Nature initiative and co-founder of Swedish hubs of international networks like Swedish Transition Network, End Ecocide Sweden, Save the Rainforest Sweden and the Swedish Network for Rights of Nature.