Annual Registration

Degree students must register annually for the academic year

As a degree students must each year register as either present or absent by 31 August the latest, or you will be dropped from the study register. You need to register as present if you wish to

  • register for courses and exams
  • get completed studies registered
  • to take part in courses and exams
  • graduate and receive your degree certificate
  • study abroad through Hanken's exchange programme
  • study at another university through the JOO agreement.

All students register as present or absent in the Oili Service

Do note that you can postpone the commencement of your studies only for specific reasons set by the Finnish Universities Act (illness or disability, parental leave or completion of military service in Finland).

Please note that it is your duty as a student to remember to register each year, we will not remind you separately about the registration! You can either register for the whole year by 31 August or separately for the Spring term by 15 January the latest.

Students subject to tuition fees

If you are subject to tuition fees (non EU/EEA citizens), you need to have done one of the following before you can register as present through te Oili Service:

  • Paid the tuition fee for the upcoming academic year/term (invoice expiration date for payment is 1.8 (or 15.6 if you need to register as present earlier e.g. due to renewal of residence permit - note! payments will not be checked before that date)
  • Provided with a residence permit exempting from tuititon fees which is valid on 1.8 versus 1.1 for the Autumn and Spring term
  • Received a Scholarship exempting from tuition fees. 

If you wish to register as absent however, please contact

  • Notice also that if you have registered as present you cannot later change your registration to absent whereas a registration as absent can be changed to present any time during the year.
  • Master's students need to plan carefully when to register as present or absent since your study time is limited!

Contact information

Update your contact information (address and phone number) in Sisu on the My profile page -> Personal information.