Retrospective article "I did it my way" by Christian Grönroos
Professor Emeritus of Marketing, and the founder of the Services Research Center CERS Christian Grönroos has published a retrospective article of his career in Journal of Historical Research in Marketing.
In the article "I did it my way" professor Grönroos walks the reader through his long career telling about troubles, victories and the gradual increase in understanding how marketing research has to be done in a new way. Grönroos writes in a vivid and enjoyable way. “(...) reflecting on one’s career is like opening up the door from which a flood of memories and recollections of incidents pours out. The more you think about the past, the more memories surface”, he says.
“I did it my way” is a good read for every marketing scholar:
Christian Grönroos (2017). "Christian Grönroos: I did it my way", Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, Vol. 9 Issue: 3, pp.277-301,