| 10.09.2015

Hanna pop up help desk in the foyer Thursday 10th at 11.30-14

Problems with login and pin code in Hanna? How should I search, what can i find? Ask at the Library's pop up help desk in the foyer.

The discovery service Hanna got rid of the beta version, and all functions are now taken into use. However there have been problems with activating the user account and changing pin code.

Therefore we move out the library's help desk for you to easily get help on all concerns regarding Hanna. Have you had problems with login, pin code or do you just want to know more about the contents and search functions?

Come and see us at the pop up help desk today on Thursday 10th of September at 11.30 am to 14 pm in the foyer.

In Hanna you search for printed and electronic material using one single search box. Hanna combines the former library catalogue and the Nelli Portal in one more user friendly interface. But how does the search functions work and which sources are searched?

More information:
Margareta Danielsson and Mattias Nordling, Hanken's library