| 12.05.2017

Information from the Academic Council’s meeting 3 May 2017

In its meeting on 3 May 2017 the Academic Council (AC) approved of 19 master’s theses. AC postponed its next meeting to 7 June 2017.

Decisions on amendments to and courses in the teaching plan 2017-2018

The Academic Council approved of an amendment to the teaching plan for next year:

Nordic Corporate Governance is a course that is delivered in co-operation with BI, Stockholm School of Economics and CBS. AC hopes for a more detailed course description for its next meeting.

The extent of the planned course Teaching Skills in a Business School Environment for researchers is still unclear and AC will decide on this in its next meeting.

AC wishes that new courses would have a more detailed course description in order to facilitate sharing of best practices.

Admission requirements for the Bachelor’s degree programme

The AC has earlier approved of the admission requirements within the joint admission for MSc programmes in economics (Kauppatieteiden yhteisvalinta). AC now decided to introduce a new way of applying to Hanken, by using a Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test, “högskoleprovet”. In this way, Hanken wishes to attract more students from the Nordic countries.

  • Hanken will introduce a quota of 15 (Helsinki 9, Vaasa 6) that can be accepted based on their performance in högskoleprovet.
  • You have to score at least 1,5 in högskoleprovet
  • The applicant has to have A-levels from outside Finland
  • There will be a separate admission for applicants with högskoleprovet, similar to the admission from the Open University.

The admission requirements from the Open University will also change

  • This year up to 45 students will be accepted from the Open University. They provide highly motivated students.
  • It was suggested that from 2018 you can only be accepted via Open University with a specific set of courses. There will be a selection of course sets to choose from.

The Hanken Board will decide on the admission quotas in its meeting 24 May.

Decisions on doctoral thesis

Within the electronic management of doctoral theses, the following decision has been made:

The Academic Council granted permission for the public defence of Silvia Stroes thesis: “The Duality of Passion in Entrepreneurship” and appointed Professor Dimo Dimov, University of Bath as opponent and Professor Joakim Wincent as custos. The defence will take place on 9 June 2017.