When an employment ends

On this page you can find information about the terms of termination of employment, and a checklist for things to remember when an employment ends.

End of employment

Depending on the length of continuous employment, the following periods of notice shall be observed when the employee terminates an employment contract:

  • 14 days if the employment has continued for no longer than 5 years,
  • 1 month if the employment has continued for longer than 5 years.

The following periods of notice shall be observed when the employer terminates an employment contract:

  • 14 days if the employment has continued for no longer than a year,
  • 1 month if the employment has continued for longer than a year but no longer than 4 years,
  • 2 months if the employment has continued for longer than 4 years but no longer than 8 years,
  • 4 months if the employment has continued for longer than 8 years but no longer than 12 years, and
  • 6 months if the employment has continued for longer than 12 years.

The period of notice of termination shall begin on the day following the day of serving notice of termination.

Termination of employment shall otherwise comply with the procedure prescribed in the Employment Contracts Act.

Non-permanent contracts

A temporary contract shall expire with no period of notice when the agreed period or assignment ends. If the duration of the period or assignment has not been stipulated according to a calendar date, then the employer shall notify the employee without delay of the anticipated end of employment where this depends on a circumstance that is not known to the employee.

Procedure for dismissal/layoff

The grounds and procedure for dismissal and layoff shall be determined in accordance with the Employment Contracts Act5 and the Act on Co-operation within Undertakings.

The layoff notice period shall be 1 month for all employees.

The employment shall end as of the date (always the first day of the month) from which the employee has been ranted an old-age pension from the service of the employee's own employer or a full disability pension in Finland.

Checklist for when an employment ends

Below you can find the checklist for when an employment ends.