| 25.02.2022

Finnish universities UNIFI express support for Ukraine

Finnish universities UNIFI expresses support for Ukraine and the Ukrainian university students and staff.

We condemn Russia’s military action in Ukraine. Our universities are international and multicultural communities. Universities support their students and staff and provide crisis assistance. Universities each inform their own students and staff through their own channels.

Finnish universities have research and education co-operation as well as student exchange activities with Ukrainian universities. Finnish universities, together with Scholars at Risk (SAR) Finland, are investigating the possibilities for hosting Ukrainian students and researchers to the Finnish universities.

Considering the students and staff from the Finnish universities, there are currently no students or staff in Ukraine to our knowledge.

More information:
Finnish universities UNIFI
Rector Jukka Kola, Chair of Unifi, p. +358 29 450 5050
Executive Director Tanja Risikko, p. +358 404 195 2037