| 25.10.2017

Mikael Laakso appointed to European Commission’s expert group

Associate Professor Mikael Laakso, Information System Science, has been appointed to the European Commission's Expert Group on the Future of Scholarly Publishing and Scholarly Communication.

Carlos Moedas, Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, has made Open Science a priority and a very important part of Open Science is open access to scientific peer reviewed publications. The aim is to get all peer reviewed scientific publications freely accessible online.

The task of the expert group will be to assess emerging and alternative open access business models and try to establish how a transition towards open access can be achieved. An important element of the group's work will be establishing general principles for the future of open access publishing and scholarly communication.

The project will last approximately a year, until the second half of 2018.

More information:
Mikael Laakso, Associate Professor

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