Application step-by-step

Below you will find step-by-step instructions on how to apply in the main admission round to Master’s degree studies in English.

Important dates

  • Application opens – 8 January
  • Application closes – 22 January at 3 p.m.
  • Attachment deadline – 29 January at 3 p.m.
  • Publication of all results – 28 May
  • Deadline to accept your offer – 10 July

Application timeline, see image description

How to apply

1. Familiarize yourself with the requirements

  • Read all of the information on the admission page and make sure that you fulfill the admission requirements.
  • You can apply to a maximum of 2 Master’s degree programmes at Hanken (and to 6 application options in total nationally since the application is a joint application form).
  • Take all tests (language and/or GMAT/GRE-tests) before the end of the application deadline.
  • Start collecting the required attachments and to complete your CV in English.

2. Submit your application  

  • Complete the application in the application portal as early as possible after the application period has started until 22 January at 3 p.m. (Finnish time).
  • Upload your attachments to the application by the 29 January at 3 p.m. (Finnish time).
  • When submitting your application, use a personal e-mail address. The application form is designed in English, so make sure that your page is in English as well before you start filling out the form.
  • The application form cannot be saved as a draft so collect all your attachments and prepare your CV (in English) before you start to fill in the form.
  • Once you have submitted your application, you will no longer be able to change your answers, except for your contact details.
  • Upload your attachments in high quality PDF format (if you have a Finnish degree, upload a MyStudyinfo link).
  • Upload all your attachments no later than 29 January at 3 p.m. (Finnish time), otherwise your application will not be processed further.

3. Processing of applications

  • Remember to regularly check your email and spam folder.
  • The Admission Services evaluate your general eligibility and can request you to supplement your application if needed.
  • Applications that fulfill the general admission requirements are forwarded to the programme or programmes you applied to for academic assessment. Based on their proposal it is then the rector who makes the final admission decision.
  • Note! There are a set quota of admission offers for all Master programmes. Fulfilling the admission requirements does not automatically mean that you will be admitted.

4. Receiving the admission results

  • The admission results will be published on 28 May.
  • You will be informed by e-mail simultaneously about the admission results and possible scholarship decision.
  • If you fulfill all requirements but you are not immediately admitted, you are placed on a waiting list.

5. Accepting the admission offer

  • Accept the admission offer as soon as possible, however no later than 10 July at 3 p.m. (Finnish time). 
  • All admitted students will receive information on how to accept the admission offer with the admission offer e-mail.
  • If you receive an admission offer which you do not intend to accept, actively decline the offer immediately in so that the spot timely can be offered to another applicant from the waiting list. The waiting list closes when all spots have been filled or the latest on 5 August at 3 p.m. (Finnish time).
  • Note! Read the information for conditionally admitted students if your study offer is conditional.

6. Register for the academic year

  • Once your admission is final, register for the academic year at the latest on 31 July.
  • First year students must register as present, except if you have legal grounds for registering as absent
  • When registering as present you must also pay the Student Union membership fee.
  • Registration for attendance can be done through the My Studyinfo-service portal or through a personal link once the admission offer is final. 

When you apply to the Master's degree programme in International Strategy and Sustainability, your application is first and foremost considered for admission to the main Master’s degree programme.

If you are eligible for the Master’s degree programme in International Strategy and Sustainability, we thereafter check if you also fulfill the higher admission requirements for the Double Degree (if you have marked that you are interested in the Double Degree on the application form).  

You will receive a possible Double Degree programme admission offer simultaneously with the general admission offer to Hanken.

Questions about the admission process?